Friday 1 February 2008

WoW Diary day 0

I have been putting off a true encounter with World of Warcraft with many excuses: lack of time and money being the main two. Mostly though, out of fear of turning into a total dork. I am slightly scared of WoW: it looks alluring and all-consuming and is the sort of number-heavy experience I love, and yet I am scared of its ability to consume time, and lives, and effort.

It seems to be full of empty calories.

Yet, I'm supposed to be some sort of
game designer or something, and I need to investigate it, properly, by playing it. Tomorrow, my girlfriend flies home for a break of exactly ten days. The free WoW trial lasts exactly ten days. I refuse to accept this is a coincidence.

From tomorrow, I'll be playing the WoW trial and posting every day. To make the most of the time, I've made the key decisions that can be made (Tauren, Druid), and I'll be concentrating on key solo elements - interface, control, early combat - Wow is too big to explore within ten days. The other strict rule involves only playing for an hour each working day. If the game is that amazing, I will be in for thirty more, I'm certain.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to prepare myself. In the pub.

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